Process Standards Management
21st Century Standards
Set standards correctly and efficiently
Is your information system a reliable basis for planning, managing and improving production processes? Can you identify the real capacities of operators, production equipment and other process resources from your information system? Can your information system automatically calculate the takt time of linked operations? Do you know how to change takt with different line occupancy? Can you quickly identify the bottleneck of any operation or process? Do you want to know the real cost of direct process resources in each process phase, but you do not have enough information? Do you know the capital requirements for specific products? If not, we have a solution for you.
The PPROI PSM information module is:
Precise and accurate
Capture specific process resources, their properties and parameters in the system.
Stop misallocating, step into the world of real costs and capital
Utilize knowledge and creativity, leave routine calculations to the system
Consistent and correct
Avoid logical discrepancies between standards for products and process.
Do not be limited by the nature of your processes or the limits of your existing information systems.
Exceed the level of operations and get to know your processes perfectly
Capture everything that matters to you in the system

Get rid of paper files, Excel files, calculators, or isolated computing tools. It doesn't matter if you make hats, hinges, springs or pc boards. It doesn't matter if your processes are manual or Industry 4.0 ready. Any product, process, and resource parameters that you simply insert or automatically import into PPROI become part of a shared enterprise knowledge base and are available for efficient standardization and improvement. All standards are fully transparent and objectively justifiable.
Your time standards will always be up-to-date and will reflect reality.
Decompose your processes into atoms
and get to know their true nature
PPROI atomizes processes into MICROPHASES whose subsequent automatic linking to the linkage provides a completely new view of the processes. Are you changing technology, tool or layout? Then every technological change within the microphase is automatically projected into the whole system and gives you a new quality of information about the production process. This methodological breakthrough allows PPROI to generate the necessary process-related information in real-time, with substantial savings in data collection and maintenance costs.